'A Quiet Voice..." poem by Anne Hopewell 6th October 2017

This poem was posted on the MND Facebook site. It's written by a sufferer for her husband. Hi, I was diagnosed with Bulbar onset MND in June and have struggled to get my head around it. I have been trying my best to stay positive and manage to do that most of the time but there are occasions when it is overwhelming. So far I only have speech and mild swallowing problems. I am sure everyone goes through the same feelings and worries as me about the future. I wrote this little poem for my lovely husband and thought I would share it with you A quiet voice, each day more slurred. Repeating words that no-one heard. The fear of errant crumbs, acute. Life's nectar on a different route. I worry that the floor will disappear as i take to a chair, and I greatly fear that my hand won't again hold a pen. My life's changed so much, but then I still have you, and for that I'm glad. Life's too short for feeling sad. I smile each day for you and kids but night times always open lids on the terrors that may well unfold. Hope it's wrong, but I fit the mould. I close my eyes, and right on cue I cry inside for me and you With positivity I intend to fight. Will keep on smiling, but not at night. For that's my time to cry for you. You're the one who gets me through.